What Animals and Plants Live in South Africa

What Animals and Plants Live in South Africa

Due south africa Animals

South African animals y'all should know virtually

At that place are some nearly impressive South Africa animals!

Firstly, there are the 'Big Five': elephant, buffalo, leopard, king of beasts and the rhino.

The term 'Big V' is used to describe the ability and forcefulness of the animals. The term was coined last century as these five animals were the well-nigh difficult to be hunted on foot.

Southward Africa'southward Big Five

Wildlife in South Africa is abundant, with most 300 mammal species.

There are several animal species that are amid the globe's tallest, fastest or even tiniest animals such every bit the majestic giraffe, the speedy chetah or the tiny pygmy shrew.

Several animal species are endangered such equally the African wild dogs, the oribi or the rhino which is hunted for its horn. Many wild animals are kept and protected in national parks or private game reserves. Conservation efforts in South Africa have been successful in growing populations of the mountain zebra and bontebok, an antelope species that but exists in S Africa.

Over 850 species of birds live in South Africa, some can simply be found here. Amongst the typical African bird species that can be seen in South Africa are the ostrich, kingfishers, sunbirds and the crane. The B lue Crane is the S African national bird.Read more about the S African national symbols here.

15 Animals in South Africa you should know about

South Africa Animals:


The springbok is the national animate being of South Africa. Springboks are very mutual in rural areas and on many farms.

Springbok - the South African national animal Springbok and lamb

This antelope is very common in the bush veld and in deserts. They tin can jump upwards to 2 metres or 6.v feet high. Sentinel them jump here. Did you know that the S African rugby squad is chosen "The Springboks"?

King of beasts

These big cats live in prides that are led by a male lion. Lions are merely encountered in enclosures or private game reserves every bit well as some national parks. The Southern African lions are the largest of the lion species.

African lion by Andrew Paul Deer African lion


The African elephant is the largest land-based mammal and can grow upwards to almost 4 thou/13 ft tall. Elephants live in tight-knit families and are very protective of their immature.

Elephant herd in Addo Park - image by David Steele Elephants in Addo Park

Elephants take an excellent memory. Sadly there are only few wild elephants left in Due south Africa, elephants are endangered and thus kept in national parks such as Kruger Park or Addo Park as they are hunted for their tusks.


These huge animals can exist spotted near waterholes in many Southward African national parks. They unremarkably move in herds and tin be really aggressive!

South Africa animals: buffalos Herd of buffalos

Remember, buffalos vest to South Africa'due south "Large Five".


Due south Africa animals: There are white and black rhinos, both of which are massive and strong. They cannot see well, only smell their prey. These endangered species are poached for their precious horn.

South African white rhino White Rhino in Addo Park

Although the black and white rhinoceros can hardly be distinguished by their skin colour, it's quite like shooting fish in a barrel to recognise the rhinoceros species. The white rhinos take a broad lip and are chosen friendly, as they are not as ambitious as the blackness rhinos, which accept a minor lip and expect more threatening.


In South Africa, the leopard lives mainly in game reserves. Only a few of these big cats are left to roam freely in the remote bush veld. They hunt at night simply during the day, they usually hibernate on or nether copse.

Leopard in the bush veld

Leopards can too be spotted occasionally on rocks or craggy hills.


Baboons are cheeky monkeys that can often be seen along the roadside in South Africa.


They can be quite curious and are also known to approach people, only be careful and exercise not touch or feed them, they're quite strong and have very precipitous teeth.


Hippopotamuses (also known as hippos) are the most unsafe mammals. Hippos cannot swim, they only walk or run underwater!

South African hippos

In St Lucia, a small boondocks in the iSimangeliso wetlands, you can encounter hippos at night when they roam the streets in search for water or food. See our link in the resources beneath for more than info and photos.

Pygmy shrew

Due south outh Africa animals: The pygmy shrew is the world's smallest mammal. The tiny shrew which looks like a mouse is only 8 cm/iii inches long and weighs less than iv g/a teaspoon of carbohydrate.

Pygmy shrew


South Africa animals: There are viii species of whales in South African waters. Southern Right Whales can be seen along the unabridged western and southern coastline, where they can be seen from May to Dec.

Southern Right Whale and Calf

The boondocks of Hermanus, a three-hours drive from Cape Boondocks, even has its ain whale crier, who announces when whales are in the bay, this it is a major spectacle.

Animals in Due south Africa:

African penguin

There are 3 penguin colonies in South Africa. Two of the penguin sites are at Boulders Embankment near Cape Town, where you can even swim with penguins!

Penguins at Boulders Beach penguin colony

Read more nigh African penguins hither.


The largest of the bird species are flightless, but grow upward to 2.seven m/8.8 ft tall. They roam the countryside freely but are kept too on large ostrich farms. The town of Oudtshoorn  in due south-western South Africa is known as the 'ostrich majuscule of the world'!

Feeding Due south African ostriches

Ostriches accept large eyes, but a very small brain! Their eggs are huge and weigh up to i.9kg/4 pounds! 1 egg can be feed up to 19 people at a time!

Be aware that ostriches accept a powerful boot, which can kill a person. So when you see an ostrich approach, lie flat on the footing, so they cannot kicking you!

South Africa Animals: Fishes


In that location are several shark species swimming in South African waters. Great white sharks are not the largest shark species in the world simply certainly impressive! They tin can become massive, up to seven m/23 ft in length - this is about half the length of a basketball game court!

Great white shark by David P Stephens/shutterstock.com Groovy White Shark

Once a shark is fully fed, it can alive without food for three months. Sharks follow vibrations in h2o when searching for prey. They too have a very good sense of scent and can as well find the scent of blood from virtually 5km/3 miles away.

South Africa Animals: Invertebrates and Reptiles


Due south Africa animals: There are175 species of scorpions in South Africa!


Though near of them are harmless, await at the pinchers and tail to make up one's mind if a scorpion is venomous. In general, only scorpions with small pinchers and a short thick tail are venomous.

Cape Cobra

The Greatcoat Cobra is ane of the well-nigh deadly snakes in the world! Together with the puff adder, the boomslang and the green or black mamba, they are the most poisonous snakes in South Africa.

Cobras can be encountered throughout the country, so exist careful when walking through dunes or bushland especially close to the sea, rivers or nigh a national park.

Crocodiles are institute in South Africa as well, mostly in the eastern and northern provinces.

Did y'all know...?

The 'Big Five' are shown on the Due south African bank notes!

And this beautiful animate being we just could not exit out - so here is our number sixteen of S Africa animals. The beautiful dark-green and orange striped Cape Dwarf Chameleons are home in many gardens around Greatcoat Boondocks.

Greatcoat Dwarf Chameleon

The eyes of the tiny chameleon move independently from each other and can turn in all directions. The tongue is about twice the length of the chameleon'due south body and so information technology can catch insects that are quite a altitude away!

Resources: South Africa Animals

What Animals and Plants Live in South Africa

Source: https://www.kids-world-travel-guide.com/south-africa-animals.html



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